
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Summer's coming

Summer is coming closer, the days are longer, and new adventures are beginning.

I have no idea what adventures this summer will hold, but whatever they'll be, I'll be taking pictures of them, :)

I have a mini summer list, but I don't know if it will actually happen:

  • Lots of swimming 
  • Road trips (California, Oregon, Canada?) 
  • Camping (!!!!) (I haven't camped in a long time) 
  • Hiking the trails of Mt. Rainier
  • Whale watching (My dad and I have talk a lot about this, but still haven't made our decision)
  • Start an art journal (!!!) 

That's all I've got right now, but more will probably be added. :D

Here are the pictures I've taken this week so far (not all of them, but some):

Daniel looks like he's eating, but he's just stroking his face trying to figure out a question. lol. 

What are your plans this summer?

Sunday, May 17, 2015

First edited photos

"They're sitting in the vase but now they're dead, dead flowers."~Miranda Lambert: Dead Flowers  

While taking this \/ \/ picture that was the song going through my mind. lol. :) 

Anyway, so this week I've been sick (I have a cold/fever) and haven't been feeling like doing anything.
I have studied a lot more on SeaWorld trainers/training and orca captivity and I'm beginning to have my own opinion on things. I use to just think/quote whatever other people believed or what Blackfish said.
Like, now I don't disagree 100% with SeaWorld because I have some my own views on them now. :)
But don't get me wrong, I'm not a supporter of SeaWorld or any business with captive orcas/dolphins.

Anyway, this week I've also taken some pictures, and today I took some and decided to edit them with Morgan's Lightroom 4.
The above picture and the below are the ones I edited. :)

BURNING REEEEDDDD! ~ Taylor Swift: Red.

Sophie deep in thought

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

May 12th, 2015

Photos I've taken over the weekend (which was my dad's birthday, then the next day was Mother's day, and I only took one picture yesterday)
I'm going to post only one picture from dad's birthday because I took so many, and almost all of them were blurry. Dad wouldn't stop moving! lol.

Dad's birthday. (The card agrainst the gift was mine to him)

For Mother's Day, Morgan made a garland of pictures of us kids with mommy.

Morgan's card to mommy

Flowers I bought mommy. (This picture was purposely blurry)

Morgan's flowers to mommy

Matt was working until 2 on Mother's Day, so we waited for him to come back before we would let mom open her cards/gifts. While we waited for him, mom took a short nap and a shower, and I went outside and took pictures and played Smule on my iPad Mini.

I think I purposely made this one blurry too. 


Now for my daily challenge pictures:

DAY 9:

A pattern. 

Day 10--


And Day 11 was a self portrait. I took this picture with my iPad which is a TERRIBLE camera.
I don't like having pictures of myself on my iPad because I feel weird...I mean, I see myself enough in the mirror, I don't need to have pictures of myself too! lol! :D

Oh yeah, I saw a ribbon lying around so I tied it to my head. ;)

And today's challenge is taking a picture of food. 
I've only had breakfast so far, and while I was eating it I wasn't thinking to take a picture of it. All I was thinking was how bitter grapefruit is. :D
So maybe when I eat lunch, I'll take a picture. ;) 

What I've learned so far about taking pictures: 

I need to pay more attention on adjusting lighting and the focus when taking pictures. 

Things to learn this week: 

Learn more about ISO and Aperture. 

Friday, May 8, 2015

May challenge day 8

The photo today is a smile.

Day 8 equals complete. :)

Today we all went yard sale searching...we found a few, but didn't really buy much.
Morgan bought some Ugg type slipper shoes... Here's a picture of them:

I know today's blog post is short, but I got projects to work on.

                                                                    * Lauryn*G*

Thursday, May 7, 2015

New Blog post, new Blog design, and a new project

I redesigned my blog! Yay! :D
What do you think of it? Good or bad? 

So, this blog post will be about my new project, and my project is about photography. 
Earlier this year I planned that I would do some summer photography challenges, and since next month is summer (omg!!), I thought I could work a little on photography today. But before I show you the pictures, know that the only photography I've ever done was with my digital camera and the occasional photoshoot of Morgan with her camera, Perry. (Which is what I took the pictures below with)

Here are the pictures from today: (They are not edited)

My feet look weird here. lol!

Sophie wanted attention while I was taking pictures

He followed me around the yard. 


And I found this challenge, so I took pictures for that too. (I took 7 pictures today so I can get up to date on the challenge. :D) 

Here's the pictures:

Not a good pictures, plus I'm squinting. (It was REALLY bright)

A bold color
Our pantry door is glass...that count? ;) 

Black and white. The blanket has black and white on it, and the picture is in black and white. :D

This is the best zoom I could do with a 50mm lense. :-/

High angle. 

Low angle

What do you think? :D


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