
Saturday, November 28, 2015

Busy, busy, busy

I thought I could do it. I thought that I could write a blog post everyday about my life in GA, but Thanksgiving happened and then yesterday we were making snowflakes and decorating the house and the trees for Christmas, and I wasn't able to do one.

Our remaining days in WA will be really busy with packing and whatnot, so I don't think I'll be able to sit down for long periods of time to write long blog posts then either.

I don't know if I'll be able to blog any this week, but I'll see what I can do.  :)

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Days until Ga: 5

hey everyone, today I won't be doing a story because IT'S THANKSGIVING!! Yay!

So, happy thanksgiving everyone! Have an awesome day! 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Days until GA: 6

Today I thought I'd go with a story from when I was 6 years old, but first a quick history "lesson.":

My sister and I were going to a gymnastics in Dahlonega at the time, and we met the Davidsons there. 
Hannah and Abby Davidson both took gymnastics classes, but Abby was Morgan's age, and in the same class as her, and Hannah was two years younger than me and was not in the same class as me. 
But Hannah and I became buddies pretty much instantly, and eventually we ended up in the same class together. 

Hannah and I were very competitive with each other in class, but we never let that stop us from being the goofballs that occasionally got in trouble with our gym teacher. Unfortunately for our gymnastics teacher, who had to get onto us, we were the best in her class. :) 

Outside of class, though, we weren't competitive and we played Polly Pockets or annoyed the boy who ran the concession stand (my brother and Hannah's brothers were friends with the boy), and so on.
We, uh, also got in trouble a few times. And thus begins the story:

We were in girls bathroom (which was also the locker room) because it was the only place that had air conditioner and we were playing a game. Not with toys though. 
And in the game I was pretending I had a beard and was shaving it off. I was at the sink putting water on my face, pretending it was my beard, and was "shaving" it off with a paper towel. 
Then Hannah wanted to join in, and then things got a little messy with the water. 
Actually, really messy. 

Then we decided, "hey, there's water already on the floor, let's pour some more on the floor." 
At first we soaked paper towels and squeezed the water out of them on the floor. I don't mean we squeezed it in one spot, I mean we squeezed it over the entire floor.     

Eventually soaking paper towels became "too much work," so we cupped our hands and filled them with water and threw it on the floor. 

We did that until the entire floor was one giant puddle, and we added a finishing touch: Soap.
Then the real fun began. 

We started running and sliding across the floor, slamming into the walls, and pretending we were ice skating.

A girl (actually, one of Morgan's teammates) walked into the bathroom, but Hannah and I didn't even care. We just continued sliding across the floor, but then the girl left without using the bathroom, and I figured it was because she didn't like all the water everywhere.
But a few minutes later she came up and said, "Mrs. Shannon wants to see y'all." Mrs. Shannon was the owner of the gym and she was also Morgan and Abby's gymnastics coach.

We walked down the stairs, and Mrs. Shannon said, "I don't know what you guys were doing--" Hannah immediately pointed at me as if I was the only one who made the mess. But then Shannon continued, "--And I don't really care who did it, but you both are going to get the mop and clean it up."

And that, my friends, was the day I learned how to mop. ;)

P.S- Mrs. Shannon liked both our families, though, so she didn't hold our naughtiness against us, and she continued to allow us and our siblings to be the only kids that were allowed on the equipment even though we weren't in class. :)  

P.P.S-I didn't think about it until years later, but they probably sent that girl up there because water was dripping down to the downstairs area. Oops. ;)

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Days until GA: 7

March 2014. (Two weeks before my family moved to Washington)

Harry Potter.

The Johnson girls came over for a spend the night, because we wanted to spend as much time with them as we could before we moved.

That night, Callah and I prepared ourselves for a long Harry Potter marathon by making frozen yogurt cookie dough. :) No spend the night or movie marathon is complete without having something to eat that is terrible for your health, right? ;) :P

We started the first Harry Potter at 7pm, finished it, decided the cookie dough was making us sick, so we put it back in the freezer, then we started the second Harry Potter.
When the second Harry Potter ended, our tailbones were hurting from sitting for so long, and it was already midnight.
But no matter, who needs sleep when there are still movies to watch?  ;) Plus there was the cookie dough to give us energy. :)

But what about our tailbones? Well, after the second movie, I randomly jumped up and started running in place like the football players do, and urged Callah to join me.

During the third movie, our tailbones were hurting again, so we had to pause the movie multiple times to run in place. :)

When we finished the fourth movie, it was, like, 4 AM, so we decided to turn the movies off.
Then we "went to bed" which actually means we stayed up until 5 AM talking, then went to bed.

We made a lot of fun of the fourth Harry Potter, even though it was, like, our favorite one, and we have a lot of inside jokes about it. ;)

When we woke up at 9 or 10 AM, we ate breakfast and were going to start the fifth Harry Potter, but Callah had to go.

I made her promise not to watch anymore Harry Potter without me, and she kept her promise, even after I moved to WA.
Then a year later, her family moved up here to WA and her family decided to have a Harry Potter marathon and she broke her promise. ;) No worries, Callah, I forgive you! ;) :P

I guess it was better to watch it with people who don't constantly say, "That didn't happen in the book, what actually happened was..." or "Ugh, it was better in the book," and so on. :) ;)


So, I'm getting pretty excited about our trip to GA! I finally have an idea of what our itinerary will be while we're there, so yay! :)


Monday, November 23, 2015

Days until GA: 8

The next memory I have is a short one because it happened so many times I can't tell one from the other.

2013 summer:

Morgan's car, Bessy, was an older car and had no AC, and that is the worst thing ever in GA because summers are evil there.
And it always seemed like Morgan and I would make our library/Starbucks/grocery runs on, like, the hottest days of the year, which was not cool because we always took her car.
However, our "jam out sessions" made me usually forget that the heat was melting my skin. Which, by the way, I've had this conversation with a friend before and we decided skin would not melt. Just thought I'd share that bit of info there. ;) :P

What our jam out sessions were:

Turning Morgan's Taylor Swift CDs on and turning the volume almost all the way up and dancing to the songs...As much dancing as one can when they are strapped to the seat of a car. :)
We would sing (more like scream) at the top of our lungs too.
I feel bad for all the people that had to witness/hear our singing and the music blaring. Hehehe! :)

This is a tame version of what we looked like.  Haha! 

We have videos of our dancing/singing adventures, and I tried to find them for this blog post but I couldn't find them anywhere. :(

Can any of you guys relate to this story? :)

PS- I made a packing list for GA today!!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Days until GA: 9

In 9 days my family will be leaving for Georgia and I thought I'd do a post everyday until then.

What will I be posting about?

I'll be posting random memories I have of living in Georgia! Some will be short, and some might be long posts! :)

The memory I chose to write today is *drum roll, please* THE TWO DAY SLEEPOVER WITH OUR BESTIES. :)

So, in 2012 my uncle got married and the Johnson girls came the day before the wedding.
Why? Because Morgan, Sarah, and Anna wanted to dye their hair before the wedding (they were going to be the camera crew at the wedding) and all, so we invited all 3 Johnson girls to spend the night!
When the Johnson girls piled into our van we immediately were chatting away and laughing. :)

No idea what I'm doing with my face. hahahaha! :) Callah's looking at me like, "Ehhhhhkay." 

When we got home Callah threw her bags in my room and Sarah and Anna dumped their bags in Morgan's room. Then Morgan, Sarah, and Anna asked Mom to start dyeing their hair. Callah and I watched and laughed the whole time during the dyeing process. We were laughing because all three girls were, like, squealing and really nervous every time mom applied the dye. It was pretty entertaining. ;)

After their hair was dyed, Mom, Morgan, Sarah, Anna, and Yuliya left to go help set up the wedding. Callah and I stayed home. I don't remember exactly what we did. We probably swam in our pool, ran around the yard like horses, played dress up in the basement, and all that jazz.

That night Callah and I were on Netflix searching for a movie to watch. That took forever. We finally chose Heartland because we couldn't decide what to watch and because we'd never seen the show.
So we did. We watched many, many episodes while eating chocolate chips and cookies, and drinking coke. :) A healthy diet, right? ;) :P

The next day, Callah and I ate "pre-breakfast" (AKA chocolate chips and cookies), then we ate actual breakfast (waffles). Callah and I spent the morning running up and down the stairs to Morgan's room for various things and to watch the girls apply their makeup, then we took our showers, we put our dresses on, and did our hair.

At the wedding (before the ceremony), Callah and I helped a little bit, but there wasn't much we could really do, so we walked around the place, watched the bride get her makeup applied, did  a quick photo-shoot of each other, drank a good bit of punch, then seated ourselves in the chairs outside.
Then the wedding began, and it was really hot (It was an outdoor wedding, in the middle of summer, and there was no shade) but it was pretty.

Callah took this picture of me. 

Once the ceremony was over, it was time to eat, watch the cake cutting, and the speeches.

Callah and I left about an hour after the lunch, while the other girls stayed until late to help clean up and all. We thought that the Johnson girls were going to leave after the wedding, but by time the girls finished helping at the wedding it was too late to drive to the girls' house, so they spent another night!

When Callah and I got home, we immediately ditched the dresses and put our jammies on. Then we watched more episodes of Heartland. :) Mom called and asked if we wanted to go to the 10:30 showing of "Brave" with her and the other girls, but Callah and I decided we didn't want to be at a movie theater until midnight, so we continued eating cookies and watching Heartland. :)

The next morning I helped Callah pack up all of her stuff, then we drove them home. :(

I had a lot of fun that weekend! :) :)

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Cold weather and Georgia


I wanted to write something poetic about the cold weather and November, but no. I'm not going to. Why? Because I'm blunt and I like getting to the point ASAP instead of making everything sound "magical." And because in reality, cold weather isn't always "magical." It actually kinda sucks. Well, sometimes.
While I do like having the fireplace on and wearing warm clothes and all, I hate the constant struggle of a runny nose, stiff hands, and honestly, jeans don't offer much protection from the cold, which results in a cold bum down to cold feet.
Like I said, I'm blunt. ;)

With November almost being over, Walmart has so graciously put up a sign that says "Christmas: 37 days" right when you enter the building. (*Insert Luke Skywalker, "Nooooooooooo!"*).
Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas and Christmas-y stuff, but can we at least get to Thanksgiving first? :)

So, on December 2nd my family will be flying to Georgia and we'll be there for 10 days. I look forward to the flying part because I love airplanes and flying, and I also look forward to seeing our family. It will be my first time in Georgia since moving here to Washington. (We've been here for a year and eight months.) Actually it will be everyone, except for Morgan and Mom's, first time going to Georgia since our move!

I'm not quite sure what our "official" itinerary is while we're in GA, but we plan on going to some of the restaurants that WA doesn't have and to some of the "classic" places. Like our favorite little park that is by our previous house.

We're going to try to visit our librarians, our old coworkers, etc. I know that may sound strange, but in Georgia your librarians, coworkers, etc. become your friends. Heck, the gas station dude might even be your friend! ;)  ;)

It's kind of funny getting on Google maps and going into street mode and seeing all the places I use to go to and all the memories that come to my mind when I "passed" by them.

I saw one house on Google maps and I remember that there was an elderly lady in GA that was always mowing her lawn in the middle of summer and dad was driving by one day and wanted to help her, so he pulled his car over and asked her if he could help. She wouldn't let him because she had to do it for her health, but she really appreciated the offer.
I remember seeing her a few times.

I remember at the gas stations while you were pumping your gas you would have a conversation with another person pumping their gas and in a matter 5 minutes you could know a good bit about the person's life.

Georgia's like that. :)

The more I think about it, the more excited I am to go back. :)

What's your Thanksgiving/Christmas plans? 

PS- the pictures above were taken in our yard. I love all the bright reds!

Monday, November 9, 2015

October memories and November so far

Every October 1st I get really excited and I think, "This. This is the year I'm going to make lots of fall decorations, carve pumpkins, buy autumn clothes, and bake fall-y stuff!"
But like all the other years, I didn't make a single fall decoration, I didn't carve a stinkin' pumpkin, I am too attached to my money to spend it on expensive fall clothes, and I didn't bake anything even remotely fall-y....unless buying a Starbucks Pumpkin Spice (iced) latte counts? No? Yeah, I didn't think so. But whatevs. :)

I may not have done those things, but the memories I made with my friends and family are way more fun to me than making fall decor.

October 1st- We helped some friends paint and clean their new house. I stayed for a few hours, but I had to leave because I was running a fever and I felt like a zombie.

Okay, not quite like that ^^ but you get the idea. ;)

When I got home from helping out with the new house, Callah and I messaged each other pretty much the rest of the evening because Callah was also sick in bed. :(

October 2nd--

I spent the whole day in bed messaging Callah, begging Morgan to go to the store and buy me some hot soup for my sore throat, and reading most of my 7th journal (it's 400 pages long).

Callah was also trying to convince Daniel to get her some soup and I was trying to get Morgan to get me some soup. XD. We both succeeded. :D

That night was "Reading Night" with our friends, but I stayed in my bed and almost watched an entire season of my TV show. (That's a lot of episodes....but oh, well!)

October 3rd- I was still sick, but it was the day of the LCC judging! I couldn't miss it!

During the morning, before going to the Polings' house to watch the live judging, Callah and I were messaging each other (again), but this time we were "competing" over who'd gone through the most rolls of toilet paper from blowing our noses, and who had blown their nose the most.
I sent her a picture of my overflowing trash can and of my bedroom floor which was covered in used tissues. I think I may have won. ;)

I'm there. The wall is just covering my entire body. 

The judging went really well and we got compliments on our entry. The judges just preferred other entries' choreography. We got 4th place, though! I was happy with 4th because all I cared about were the memories and fun I had with our friends during the whole filming process.

October 4th-

Everyone except for me and mom were busy and out of the house. So we (mom and I) decided to go get some groceries (I got a to-go salad) and a Starbucks coffee.
If you read this blog post, then you will understand why I wrote "Only the LCC crew will understand."

October 12th-
The Johnsons came over and we decided on what we were/are going to do with our zombie movie. :)
I'm not going to say anything else about the meeting. ;)

October 15th-

Callah and I worked on our story that we just started working on.
Callah and I are having weekly meetings to work on creating a book. We haven't come up with a story idea yet, we've just been building the world. :)

October 17th-

Maris Farms.

My family and all of our friends spent pretty much the whole day at Maris Farms. :)

Corn maze.

The slides....were wet. :)

The "Jumping Pillow." It was super slippery and I was barefoot. That was kind of gross. ;) 

Callah, me, Anna, and Yuliya. 

After we did the daytime activities at Maris, everybody came back to our house to eat pizza and chill. :)

This is a beautiful image to me. ;) In case ya didn't know, I ♥ pizza.♥

After we all ate, all of us (except the parents) went back to Maris Farms to go through the Haunted Woods.
We waited in line for two and a half hours. I know some of us didn't enjoy the long wait, but I did.
The Haunted Forest was disappointing this year, but it was still fun/entertaining.
After going through the Haunted Woods 

October 18th-

We went to Micah's race for the day. Max and Micah gave us a ride on Micah's dirt-bike. That was pretty awesome. I want a dirt bike. :D


My mom took a good bit of pictures from that day, buuuuuuuut in every single picture someone is making a weird face or chewing their food, or putting food in their mouths, and I don't know if everyone would like those pictures posted so, sorry!

October 25th-

I was P.A for Josiah's short film he made. I made a "Day on Set" video, but I don't know if I'll post it. It still needs a lot of work.

I'm under the white thingy. ;)

October 26-30th I was exhausted. I was having to wake up at 6 every morning to take care of Sydnee. (Sydnee is a 7 year old who lives in the neighborhood and I babysit her sometimes.) And I had to get her ready to get on the school bus, which comes at 8:30 every morning.

I also wasn't getting much sleep during the night...There was one night during that week I woke up at 2 in the morning and didn't get back to sleep, then I had to take care of Sydnee.

There was one night (I'm still surprised I did this) that I went to bed at 7:30pm. I didn't get to sleep until 8 or 9 of course, but still, I was in bed at 7:30.

That was really weird because I'm always up until 12:30-1:30 almost every night.

Anyway, enough about sleep.

October 26-

We went to Maris Farms with Callah and Anna (we had free tickets, so we decided to go again. Plus, the 11yr old boy Morgan was nannying wanted to go).

Before going to Maris, Callah and I decided to play chess, but we never got to finish.

Me and Callah on the toddler pedal carts. Ouch.

Me and Callah...and the creepy pumpkin.

While we were at Maris Farms, we wanted to go through the Haunted Woods (it's not open during the day and we knew that, we just wanted to see what it looked like during the day), so Yuliya got permission. (She worked at Maris this October. And so did Morgan). :)

I think it was sort of creepy to go through the Haunted Woods during the day because Yuliya's boss told us to be really quiet so other people that didn't work there wouldn't be trying to go through it.

One of the "rooms" that you go through that has creepy stuff in it :)

So, Callah and I kept running ahead of Morgan, CJ, and Anna. So there was one room that Callah and I hid in so we could scare the others. Actually, Callah hid behind the nightstand and I stood near the door by a blood covered couch acting like a dummy. And there was a real dummy in the far corner in a rocking chair.

Morgan entered the almost completely black room...let's just say I scared her pretty good.

October 28th-

I turned 16 years old.

Mom and I went to Starbucks and were there for almost two hours. Then we went to Target and were there for about an hour. I got a new pair of jeans and a new shirt.

At Target. 

When we came home from Target, we ate cake (I made a Reeses cake this year), and opened my birthday cards and presents!
We chilled for a while, then we got ready to go out to dinner (I wanted Subway).
After we ate, we went to the skating rink and skated for 2 hours! :)

Me and Faith.

The skating rink had some games that you could play, so that's why everyone is lined up.

I had a really good day! :)

So far the sixteen year old lie is treating me well. ;) :P :P

October 30th--
Yuilya's birthday.

Yuliya had to go to work in the morning. When she got back from work, she went out with mom for most of the day, so the rest of us just chilled.
Actually, Matt and I went to Starbucks because I got 2 Starbucks gift cards for my birthday.. :)
Pretty much since my birthday I've had a Starbucks coffee every other day. :)

Anyway, when mom and Yuliya got back, we all went to Wally's for dinner with the Marshalls and then all of us (except mom and Cynthia) went to the Fright Factory...which was really fun.
Haunted houses/woods don't scare me or make me really jump, but I still really enjoy going through them. The Fright Factory had some great actors, too! :D

My eyes are terrifying.

October 31st-

We went to the Polings' Halloween party! :) It wasn't a costume party, it was just a "hat party."

Well, I didn't have a hat, but I had a "better" idea (thanks to Morgan!). I present to you my "hat." ;)

Anna didn't have a hat, so I she did what I did. :) 

I didn't use any hair gel, hair spray, or anything else. I just stuck a big coke cup on my head and flipped my hair over it and boom! My "hat." 

There was a lot of candy and food, and lots of talking with everybody. :) 

I had a really good time! 

So that's what we did during October! 

Time to share some random pictures from October: 

My first attempts for my Halloween "hat" were not so successful... 

So the picture below is my conversation with Callah about my Halloween "hat." 
When I wrote "broke people" I mean, "I have money but I'm not going to spend $20 on a real Pophead." ;)   

"Only Lauryn, only Lauryn." That's my "trademark". ;) 

Frankie, Frankie, Frankieeeeeeee. :) The neighbor's dog.

He's so sweet!
Before I decided to do my Halloween "hat," I was going to do this one. A steampunk hat with a black wig. far:

Coffee is important to me. ;)  BTW, the "Y" is short for "YMCA." ;)

The next day Callah messages me and said, "I sneezed and now I'm sick. So I won't be coming to Writing Class tonight. :'("
I was like, "I'm sorry! Dat sucks. ;( :("  Then I wrote:
What are friends for, right? ;)

That night the Marshalls came over and we ate pizza and watched some of the new Cinderella until 7, which was Writing Class.
I have found some entertaining selfies from a particular person on my iPad recently which I assume were taken when I went to the bathroom during "class."

Thank you for the entertaining selfies, they are most appreciated. :)

That night, when everyone left our house, Ashley and Matt arrived. They came to M.INT this weekend and today (Monday) they left. They were at M.INT 90% of the time, so we didn't really get to see them much, except on Thursday (the first day). Morgan, Ashley, and I went to Target and to Starbucks.

Baby Tall, Mama Grande, and Daddy Venti. (Daddy Venti is mine. Hehehe)  

This is pretty much what my November has looked like so far:

  • Starbucks.
  • Studying about traveling and trying to pick my German back up.
  • Playing The Last of Us for Callah. 
  • Ashley and Matt.
  • Being Morgan's "personal assistant" on one of her photoshoots. (I really enjoyed meeting the couple that Morgan was taking a photoshoot of. They were really cool and nice.)
  • And deciding what other language to learn. I'm thinking I'm going to start learning Norwegian because I really want to go to Norway. :)
Oh yeah, and Callah and I have been planning a date to finally do something we've been planning to do since August. And tomorrow (November 10th) is the day we are going to finally do what we've been planning. 
I'm not going to tell you what we're going to do yet, because we're going to make a Vlog about it and I'll probably post it the 11th or 12th, depending on how fast I can edit the Vlog. :)

Last note before I close up this post:

I've been thing a lot about traveling, and I decided two places I want to go first are 

Norway (I want to explore most of Norway, but currently Tromsø is the place that comes to my mind) and England.

That's all for now! 

Thanks for reading! 

Lauryn G. 


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